One might not wish to take a sail boat in “runway”, might you? If so the boat after docking should be secured then. How this is done so? Securing is nothing but tying the boat with a strong rope so that it holds it tightly down the dock rather than going elsewhere. One must know the proceedings in proper steps to make it. This is felt tough even by the expert sailors. After docking how to sail a boat can be achieved with the following steps:
- Slow move facing the dock. In case of completely controlling the boat always remember to make a shallow angle, means that the air affinity is very weak. Using the boats bow facing opposite to the air approach the dock. Rather than sorry try to be safe. During the fast move keep yourself and the boat secured and safe.
- Be ready with all necessary things as the dock come nearby. The stern line is checked initially. Behind the cleat it can be attached. When facing towards the anchor cleat, the dock line of the bow should be secured. Properly tied fenders around the boat must be safe with life lines. Check everyone individually in between the boat and the dock. The random rare movement causes deep injuries.
- Stay with the dock. It gets time for the dock to hang up with the boat when it meets the end point or when gets stopped or moving very slowly. Make sure that you hold the dock line once you reach the boats end. Doing so pushed you for the second step in it.
- Set dock line tied. Tossing on the dock line is done by asking help to someone else to do it. This is done by most of the helpers for just tying the dock over the line. It doesn’t mean that you can be held your chest ahead straight without worrying because just tying alone by others alone don’t make sure of the tie of the line. Secured tie is not ensured always. So one must check it before starting up with it making that he is under safety and secured. This may further avoid yourself returning back to the dock and unfortunately you may see your dock vanished elsewhere and found missing.
Moving out of the boat is done only after tying the dock lines. So always notice that the dock lines are properly and completely tied as you set out of it. But anyway the helped person is not going to notice weather you go for a check for the tie made by him.