Marriage is one of the most important decision and commitments two people can make. While you might want marriage to be a smooth-sailing journey to take, it is normal to have some bumps in the relationship. This is why entering into a marriage requires your full commitment. If you are currently in a relationship and feel it is time to settle down, you must be certain. If you feel your boyfriend will propose soon, look for signs that may definitively indicate he might be popping the question soon.
- Pay attention to his behavior. Has he been acting a little weird and nervous lately? Maybe he’s hanging out with a guy friend most of the time and that guy friend just got married or engaged. He might be fishing for tips he could use. Has he been apologizing more frequently than usual? Guys tend to get nervous when they are about to propose.
- He showers you with time and attention. If he’s not usually like that but you have noticed he now spends more time with you than with his friends, that could be a good indication. Does he want to take you out more often? Does he notice every single thing you do? Aside from being observant, he just might be falling head-over-heels in love with you.
- He starts inquiring about your ring size. He’s not really fond of jewelry nor your fascination with it, but he constantly stares at your ring. He might be searching tourmaline stones for sale. Or you might have caught him looking through items in your jewelry box, particularly your rings. He might be getting your ring size. One major indication is if your friend accidentally spills about how your boyfriend asked for your ring size.
- He talks more about the future. Men are not “talkers,” nor are they the type to engage in serious emotional-type conversations. But if he’s been constantly asking you about your plans for the future such as asking you the best place to buy a house or how many kids you want to have, chances are he is thinking about the future—and he wants you to be a part of it.
- He wants you to meet the family. You haven’t met his family, but now he surprises you by taking you to their house. You met the whole bunch, they have all been very nice, and your guy is treating you like a princess. Men view this as the last step; in fact, it is a major indication he will likely pop the question soon. Men regard their family as their inner sanctum, and there is no better guarantee he now sees you as part of his future than introducing you to his family.