How to Remove Olive Oil From Pants

Olive oil is hard to remove from any clothing because it isn’t water soluable. If you have an accident when you spill some olive oil onto your pants or clothing, there are other items that can be used to help remove the stain. To improve your chances of completely removing the olive oil, you should treat the stain and attempt removal as soon as possible. Here are some tips on how to remove olive oil stains from your pants.


Things You’ll Need:

  • Paper towels
  • Baby powder, baking soda, cornstarch or talcum powder
  • Rags
  • Household lubricating spray
  • Grease-cutting dish soap
  • Bucket or sink
  • Water
  • Laundry pre-treatment spray

Step 1

Remove as much of the olive oil from your pants as possible. Blot the excess oil with a clean paper towel. As you blot, rotate the paper towel to a clean spot. Do not rub the pants. This will spread the oil to a larger surface area on the clothing.

Step 2

Apply some baking soda, corn starch or baby powder to the olive oil stain. These materials act as absorbing agents. Rub the power ot starch into the pants. Let the pants sit for a minimum 10 minutes. If you can allow the pants to sit overnight, this is the best option.

Step 3

You need to remove the powder or starch. Do this by shaking the pants outside, or over a trash recepticle. You may use a dry wash cloth to remove any residue that doesn’t come off.

Step 4

Lay a clean cloth on a table. Place the oil stain on top of the cloth (face down). Then apply any stai remover of your choice to the back of the garment. Spray generously. Allow the remover to penetrate the pants for at least 10 minutes.

Step 5

Apply a soap that will cut through the oil to thte back of the stain. Use your fingers to apply it.

Step 6

Check the tag for laundering instructions. Rince the garment with the warmest water allowed.

Step 7

Put some warm water in a sink with detergent.

Step 8

Put the pants in the warm water. Soak the garment for 3 hours.

Step 9

Remove the garment from the soapy, warm water. Spray the clothing with a pre treatment spray to attack the stain.

Step 10

Follow the instructions on how to wash the pnts. Wash them normally and in the hottest water it can stand. After the garment is washed allow it to air dry.

Step 11

You may need to repeat this process to remove a stain that is set in. Repeat as necessary.