Making eyes for a pumpkin face can be a very enjoyable task, especially for Halloween. There are many ways to create jack o lanterns by different facial expressions you can give your pumpkin like jovial, scary or even evil. However, the kind of face your pumpkin lantern has depends a lot on the shape of the eyes and the mouth that you give to his face.
Making eyes for your pumpkin face is a fairly simple and fun activity for Halloween. And with the following tips, you are bound to enjoy more than ever. So let’s begin our task of making eyes for the pumpkin face:
- First of all, arrange for a huge pumpkin, knife and pencil. These are such materials that are easily available in the house.
- Remove the meat from the inside of the pumpkin. For creating a face that is hollow, cut a hole on the upper part of the pumpkin for the handle. After this, take a butter knife to remove all the meat present in the pumpkin. A butter knife seems the best choice than a kitchen knife for being safe, and also as it ensures a good hold while scraping off the meat. Once the pumpkin is hollowed, a space will be created inside, where you can put up the candle after the required holes have been created.
- Now, take a pencil and start drawing outlines of eyes, nose as well as the mouth of the pumpkin. Draw gently and carefully to ensure that no avoidable scratches are put on the face to ruin its effect.
- Give essence to the eyes of your pumpkin face. For an angry pumpkin face, go in for slanted rectangular eyes. You may give the eyes a triangular or a circular shape as well. The eyes are the predominant feature of your pumpkin face. These will prove to be really fine escapes as holes for the candlelight later on. Once the eyes are made, make the eyebrows as well. Now, just below the eyes, at the centre draw a tiny triangle. This will be the nose of your pumpkin face. The shape that you give to the mouth of the face also depends on the expression. You may go in for a jovial and smiling mouth, a pouted mouth or even a surprised mouth.
- Once the features have been drawn, cut those areas for holes with a butter/kitchen knife. For this purpose, you may use a kitchen knife carefully as the expressions will be sharper and more pronounced. But be very careful while using any sharp kitchen knife. Put the pumpkin on a surface while doing this, so that the position of the pumpkin is not a hassle while you carve.
- After all these steps, your pumpkin face is ready for a candle. Wait till it is dark and then turn off the lights in your house. Just let the pumpkin rest on a table with the candle glowing inside. This is also a very innovative method to reduce electricity consumption while your kids enjoy. But be careful that the lighted candles are not left unattended at all, especially if you are going to sleep. Secure them enough to not cause a fire.
So as you have seen, you may give any expression to your pumpkin. However, keep in mind the mood of the Halloween season before giving it any expression. Lastly, enjoy scaring off each other using the jack o lanterns and have a good Halloween.