How to Escape a Boring Date

A perfect date is everyone’s dream. A perfect date will always feature your date as one who has similar interests, outlook and lifestyle as you. Each moment spent with him will be wonderful, be it a casual dinner date, a film, or even a stroll in the park. And when you come back home, you will spend hours reliving each moment too vividly in your mind. But alas, the world isn’t as perfect as your dream. While some dates, though not perfect, may still be good enough for you, some others maybe so boring that you would prefer to leave as soon as possible.

A few tips to escape a boring date are:


Make provisions for a prearranged call: Arrange for a friend to give you a call on a pre-decided time beforehand. The best provision will be if your friend makes the call 30 minutes after the date begins.This will be a very reliable security method. If the date turns out to be fine, then pretend that it was just a casual call. However, if your date is too boring to stand for the rest of the night, pretend that you have to rush back home due to an uncalled-for emergency.

Make it a point to inform your caller about the plan so that he can play along. If possible, form some keywords that may give a proper hint about the situation. These will be very useful for safety purposes.

In case a call can’t be arranged beforehand, try sending someone a text message to give you a call during the date.

Make an excuse of sickness: This is one of the most conventional ways to cut short an unwanted date. Pretend you’re feeling feverish or nauseous. Sniffle a bit. Act as if you are feeling frail and request your date to find you a cab. In case you are driving, then offer him a lift. In case he is driving, decline an offer by him to drop you home. Bid him farewell by apologising and asking him to enjoy himself.

Try being truthful. If you have the guts, go ahead and tell your date the truth that you are uncomfortable. Tell him that the idea was bad or that you are not compatible with him. There is a good chance that you may be complimented for your honesty and straightforwardness. If your date and you are former friends or colleagues, no discomfort will arise in your other relation if you are honest. You just have to express patiently that being a couple might not be the best option.

However, try to avoid being honest if your date is rash or impulsive and does not take rejection well. In that case, an excuse might just be the better option.

While being truthful, try to be very patient and gentle. You can be rude and impolite; and your date will himself reject you. But this usually leaves a very inappropriate impression of you. Thus, you should try to speak out your feelings in a respectful way.