Electromagnetic waves are vital to life on planet Earth. We use them in many ways. For example, the common microwave uses electromagnetic waves. Light waves, radio transmissions, x-rays, and ever tv rays are all type of electromagnetic waves. The patter repeats itself to for a wavelength. It’s easy to learn about these waves. On of the ways to learn about electromagnetic waves is to build a model design. Here is how to build your very our electromagnetic 3D wave model. It’s a great project fro the kids, family or students.
Things You’ll Need:
- Wooden dowel – 3 feet long, 1/4-inch diam.
- Small, hand-held saw
- Wood glue
- Transparent tape
- 3 feet of rubber tubing
- 2 poster boards, 1 red and 1 blue
- Black marker
- Scissors
Step 1
We need to create a base to attach our electromagnetic wave to. We are going to use wooden dowels to help us do that. Your wooden dowel needs to be cut into two 1 ½ foot long portions. You want to secure these two pieces together with glue. In the center of one of the wooden dowel pieces, place a dollop of wood glue. Place the other piece on top of the dowel with the glue. You want to form a plus sign with the two sections. Bind the two pieces together carefully with tap. This will give the structure some strength. Let the wood set for up to four hours so the glue can set.
Step 2
We will use rubber tubing to help is simulate the wave. On the horizontal section if the wooden towel attached the end of your rubber hose with tape. Make sure to bend the tubing up so tat you can form an upside ‘u’ shape. Now, bend the tubing down in a U shape that extends below the horizontal sections of the dowels. Continue this motion until you come to the right side of the wooden dowel. The end result will have your tubing looking like a rubber wave. Tape your tubing down at the intervals that it touches the wooden dowel.
Step 3
1.Use poster-board to draw out 10 4 inch by 1 inch wide arrows with a marker. Cut them out using a pair of scissors. Tape the arrows down to the horizontal dowel. Make sure the ends are pointed up. The four blue arrows should e placed on each side. Space each arrow out evenly. You should also tap a few arrows onto the vertical section on the dowel as well. Now tape the red arrows on to the blue arrows. Every red arrow should point downward and diagonally.