When it comes to outings and days out, you will be amazed at just how much there is to do in your area either very cheaply or for free. Why not join a conservation charity? The National Trust, for example, is a registered charity that was founded in 1895 to preserve places of historic interest or natural beauty. It protects and maintains over 300 historic houses and gardens around the UK and preserves not only 612,000 acres of the most beautiful countryside, but also 600 miles of outstanding coastline. You can enjoy the tranquility of lakes waterfalls, bluebell woods and beautiful gardens, and feel history come alive as you explore the National Trust’s beautiful houses and stately homes. Membership gives you memorable days out at a wide range of stunning properties and sites, and the satisfaction of knowing that your money is helping to protect our heritage. At the time of writing, annual membership costs £38.00 per adult, £63.50 for a couple or £68.50 for a family group – in this case a family is classed as two adults living at the same address, plus children or grandchildren under 18 years of age. The number of children allowed in is usually around three, but this is discretionary and many properties allow more. There are also discounts if you pay by direct debit. Annual membership entitles you to free entry and parking at all of their buildings and sites, and a free handbook giving details of all their properties, including opening times and maps. So once you have paid your annual membership fee, you can pack in as many free visits to their properties as you like. The National Trust also supplies full information about access for disabled people.
The National Trust is not the only organisation that preserves buildings and land for the nation. There are others, such as English Heritage. To contact The National Trust or English Heritage. You can also find other organisations on the internet.
But why pay anything at all for your days out? If you prefer to keep your money firmly in your pocket, there are countless things you can do for free all around the country. Your nearest tourist information centre can give you lots of useful information about places to go and things to see that won’t cost you a penny. Wherever you are, whether you are at home or travelling, there is always something to do. To give you an idea of just how much is out there, I have chosen seven cities around the UK and looked into some of the things you can do for free in and around those places. There are too many to fit in here, so what follows is a small selection to whet your appetite.