How to Dispose Household Waste

Dust bins

Dust bins are available in plastic or metal. Plastic is lightweight, easy to clean, and won’t rust. Metal bins are arguably better looking, and because of the extra weight, are more stable when empty. Always have a dust bin with a secure lid. Without this, wind and animals can disperse your rubbish throughout the neighbourhood. However, if you live in an apartment or condo then the best option would be to have a dumpster on the side since dustbins can fill up pretty quickly.

Dust bin checkpoints

  • Site the bin near your front door. Ideally, screen it from view.
  • Write your house number on both bin and lid.
  • Regularly wash the bin with disinfectant.


Placing a small wastebasket in every room makes it more likely that paper and packaging will be thrown away promptly.

  • Simple wicker baskets are fine for dry waste. A plastic liner is hygienic and makes emptying quicker.
  • Where you may have wet waste – in the bathroom or children’s rooms – choose a metal or plastic wastebasket that can be washed out.
  • Wastebaskets that have anything other than paper in them should be emptied every day.
  • Lidded bins are essential when what’s put inside them may develop a smell. A rubbish bin with a swing lid in the kitchen saves time and means less hand contact with the bin.
  • For easy recycling, a kitchen bin that’s divided into two or more compartments lets you put glass or cans only in one side, and non-recyclable waste in the other.
  • A flip-top rubbish bin that sits under the sink is convenient in smaller households, but is not big enough for families.

Kitchen waste hygiene

Germs love rubbish bins, so emptying the kitchen bin needs to be done daily, whether it’s full or not.

  • Have a set time when you do this job – preferably at a time that won’t be changed.
  • Wipe the lid daily with an anti-bacterial wipe. Clean inside and out weekly with a bleach solution or disinfectant.
  • Make sure the bin is completely dry before putting in a fresh bin liner.

Waste disposers

  • Many kitchens include a waste disposer alongside, or integral to, the main sink. This provides a convenient and hygienic way to dispose of most kitchen food waste.
  • Always read the instructions to get the most out of your disposer and how to avoid problems.
  • Don’t cram a lot of waste in at once.
  • Always run plenty of cold water when the disposer is in use.
  • Never put oily and fat down the drain. Consider a more environmentally friendly mode of disposal, such as grease recycling.

Disposal checkpoints

Never leave items that are flammable, toxic, or labelled as ‘household hazardous waste’ out with general rubbish. Also do not put things into the rubbish that might injure the workers who empty your bins.

Broken glass

Wrap breakages securely in thick newspaper, secure with tape and label clearly. Put beside the bin. Large-glass pieces, such as whole windows, should be taken away by the contractor who fits replacements.


Take unfinished or expired medicines to any pharmacy or doctor’s dispensary to be disposed of safely.

Hazardous household waste includes:

  • Paint
  • Anti-freeze
  • Petrol
  • Solvents
  • Car batteries
  • Needles/syringes