How to Select and Reject Applicants

How to Select and Reject Applicants

Whether you have asked applicants to telephone or send in a letter, curriculum vitae or completed application form, you should adopt the same approach towards the screening process. All written appli­cations should be acknowledged as and when they are received, thus promoting a friendly and caring company image which will appeal to would-be employees. Applicants may also be customers and, even if rejected for this job, could want to apply for future vacancies as they arise. Make certain they maintain a high opinion of you by being polite and courteous at all times.

Compare the information supplied against the employee specifica­tion. This is the yardstick by which each and every applicant (internal or external, regardless of sex, marital status, race and so on) should be measured and assessed. You’re aiming to shortlist for interviews, and perhaps tests, those applicants who meet all the ‘essentials’, as many ‘desirables’ as possible and who have no ‘contra-indications’. Group applications into three categories: ‘potentially suitable’, ‘suit­able’ and ‘unsuitable’.

Potentially suitable applicants – usually those whom you have not been able to evaluate fully because they sent in an incomplete letter or CV – may be asked to supply further data, perhaps by completing an application form. On receipt of this, you can then decide into which of the two remaining categories they should be put.

Suitable applicants – and bear in mind you probably won’t want to interview more than six or so – should be invited to meet you at a mutually convenient date and time, thus maintaining that pleasant and amiable company image. Perhaps telephone each applicant to discuss when they are free to come (unless they are currently employed, in which case your ‘phone call could be embarrassing). Alternatively, write and ask them to contact you so that an interview can be arranged.

Once the interview has been set up, confirm full details of the date, time and exact location in writing. Explain how long it will last and who will be involved as well as supplying information about any tests that must be taken. Tell the applicant you will reimburse all reason­able travelling expenses and indicate how these should be reclaimed (perhaps a secretary can settle them on arrival when they may be more modest than after he has been interviewed and expects to be rejected!). Ask him to bring certificates to be checked too.

With your letter, attach a map showing the location of your business premises so the candidate can find you easily. If appropriate, also include test guides and samples to show him what to expect. Most important of all, send a job description and company literature (if you have not already done so) so he can learn everything about the post and your organization.

Unsuitable applicants need to be rejected as quickly as possible, so that hopes are not unnecessarily raised. Rejection should also be done as pleasantly as you can. Avoid stating a reason for rejection, as applicants may contact you again and ask for further information, trying to get you to change your mind. Keep all rejected applicants’ details for three months. This is the time during which they can appeal to an industrial tribunal because of alleged discrimination. Your records should show that you have acted properly.